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Форум "Наука"


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Отговори публикувано от Honterus

  1. Не разбирам какъв е смисъла на тази карта. Чертаейки карти аз се стремя просто да се доближа с това до реалността каквато е била, а тук е точно обратното :)

    You have to read the article in "The Economist" to understaned why the map is as it is:


    The map is supposed to show a situation closer to the exhibited preferrence of most Europeans.

    A subnote states:

    "A welcome side-effect of these changes will be to make space for previously fictional creations such as [...] Vulgaria, the backdrop for “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”.

  2. Also ask the people at novinite to delete all my post under bozhidar and radko. I have asked them like 1000 times but with no success. Must be something Bulgarian, lack of common sense, compassion and human feeling in general

    Oh, I see. How sad... So you do not have a problem with the posts under garda-de-fiere and irony-guard , do you ? :punk: LOL

    God - how I love these emoticons ! :)):

  3. Bojidare,

    I'm impressed how perfectly round you work - just like a closed system ( a set of interacting or interdependent entities forming an integrated whole ). Your ony two issues would be

    1. you - as a closed system - exchange neither matter nor energy with your intelectual environment

    2. unfortunately all the results obtained from your :lac: system dynamics go into the imaginary

  4. you need at least 3 points for a geometrical figure and therefore for a geographical territory

    Vaaaaai Bozo - sunt impresionat ! Stii si geometrie in spatiu : trei puncte determina un plan ( infinit ). E adevarat ca trei puncte deterima si un triunghi... Oare suma ungiurilor o fi 180 de grade ( Euclid) sau nu ( Lobacevski) ? Ce zici ? :lightbulb:

    Simpaticule care esti ! :)):

  5. Greetings Ivanko.

    "Смятам, че този пробив в изследването поставя нещата им на мястото и се заличава дублирането или "триблирането" на истории"

    Excuse me but what is your finding here ? Is it that different people (writing about the historical events of their time) with various levels of knowledge, coming from different societies in different moments of time used different names for geographical areas and populations ? Or is it that unfortunately historians cannot be "sine ira et studio" and that we actually have a situation where each nation has "its" own mainstream history ? Remember that we live in a world where we have situations like in Bosnia where pupils learning sometimes in the same building are teached from drastically different point of vues about events that took place only 15-16 years ago not to mention the Middle Ages or the Antiquity. Raymond Aron probably would be able to enrich his works if he wold have lived nowadays.

    Your whole point about B turned into V, about Vlachs/Balks/Bulgarians being considered by some the same people and about "Western Dialectics" is moot and even not sustainable, Ivanko. It looks like you're using the concept of "dialectics" in the way the Commies used to do that - so that they can be able to say now exaclty the contrary of what they said 10 years ago and be able to say that white is black and the other way around without blushing. Your theory only contributes into transforming БГ Наука into BG Năucă ( check the dictionary - you'll like the Romanian meaning of this Slavic loanword).

    Yes - the Romanians appeared in the History as an Orthodox nation using Old Bulgarian - under the name of Slavonic (Църковнославянски език)- as a lithurgic language till the 18-th century and as a Chancellery language till the 17-th century. Yes - the first text written in Romanian that was preserved till now is only from 1521 and the Cyrillic alphabet was used for writing Romanian texts till 1861. Yes - the Romanians had a long period of non-history when most probably they - known by others under the name of Vlachs ( an exonym as you are very well aware )- lived under the dominance of the First and Second Bulgarian Tsardom. Yet these facts do not change them into Bulgarians. They are/were not Bulgarians as the Anglo-Saxons were not French even if French was used as an "official" language in England for some 2 centuries after 1066 and the Hungarians were not Latins even if Latin was their official language from the Middle Ages till Széchenyi's times.



  6. One more lingvistic exercise - since we're at it.

    This exercise would ilustrate the "famous" latinization of the Romanian in the XIX-th century

    Exactly the same phrase using different words ( all three versions can be perfectly understood by modern Romanian speakers)

    English text:

    All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

    Contemporary Romanian - highlighted words are French or Italian loanwords:

    Toate fiinţele umane se nasc libere şi egale în demnitate şi în drepturi. Ele sunt înzestrate cu raţiune şi conştiinţă şi trebuie să se comporte unele faţă de altele în spiritul fraternităţii.

    Romanian, excluding French and Italian loanwords - highlighted words are Slavic loanwords:

    Toate fiinţele omeneşti se nasc slobode şi deopotrivă în destoinicie şi în drepturi. Ele sunt înzestrate cu înţelegere şi cuget şi trebuie să se poarte unele faţă de altele în duh de frăţietate.

    Romanian, excluding loanwords:

    Toate fiinţele omeneşti se nasc nesupuse şi asemenea în preţuire şi în drepturi. Ele sunt înzestrate cu înţelegere şi cuget şi se cuvine să se poarte unele faţă de altele după firea frăţiei.



  7. да ти кажа нищо не разбирам на румънски. А съм посветил живота си на романските езици. Даже и езиковата прилика е съмнителна.

    Latin: (Illa) Claudit semper fenestram antequam cenat.

    Aragonese: Ella tranca/zarra siempre la finestra antis de zenar.

    Catalan: Ella tanca sempre la finestra abans de sopar.

    French: Elle ferme toujours la fenêtre avant de dîner/souper.

    Italian: (Ella/Lei) chiude sempre la finestra prima di cenare.

    Romansh: Ella clauda/serra adina la fanestra avant ch'ella tschainia.

    Corsican: Ella chjudi sempre u purtellu primma di cenà.

    Sardinian: Issa serrat semper sa bentana antes de chenare.

    Sicilian: Idda chiudi sempri la finestra àntica pistìa.

    Romanian: Ea închide totdeauna fereastra înainte de a cina.

    English Translation : She always closes the window before dinner

    What Romance languages have you studied ?

  8. Не си криви езика българино, само едно две изречения са достатъчни

    за да проличи, че не си в час нито със английския, нито със румънския (валашкия). :crazy_pilot::post-20645-1121105496::crazy_pilot:


    Nous pouvons essayer le Francais alors. Apres tout la Roumanie et la Bulgarie sont, toutes les deux, membres de la Francofonie . :)

  9. I must say that I am impressed about how much the Vlach/Romanian language and history is a topic in bg-nauka. Again and again there are some thesis that appear. These thesis are typical for Bulgarian historical approach . I'll summarize them quickly:

    - There was no concept of Romania ( as a country) before 1861. Romania is an artifical country created by the Western Powers ( mainly by France ) after the Crimeean War as a Latin buffer state in-between South Slavic and East Slavic people with the purpose to diminish the Russian influence in the Balkans

    - The name of Romanian . The Romanians are Vlachs that started calling themselfs Romanians in modern times ( after 1770 ) in a western coordinated effort to develop a new - artficial - nation. Extreme approach : Romania= "Roma NEA" = New Rome, would show the artificiality of the name.

    - The Vlachs were in fact Bulgarians. Any mention of Vlachs in historical documents should be considered an error. Those are in fact Bulgarians. Since the Romanians are in fact Vlachs and the Vlachs are in fact Bulgarians one can only conclude that the Romanians are in fact Bulgarians that just "forgot" that. In fact all personalities from the Middle Ages from Wallachia , Moldavia and Transylvania are Bulgarians or of Bulgarian origin.

    - There was no such thing as a Vlach or Romanian language in the Balkans. North of the Danube as well - in Wallachia , Moldavia and Transylvania(?) Bulgarian was used as an official language till the XIX-th century ( with the implication that this must has been the language spoken by the people as well ). Romanian was created by Western educated intellectuals who carefully latinized the spoken language by adopting French and Italian words. All documents in Romanian before the XIX-th century must be forgeries.

    Now - I am not a historian nor a language specialist and I will not come with arguments against these thesis ( which I consider false). All the arguments were provided at due time by real historians. I want only to stress that the approach I found here is extreme and makes any dialogue almost impossible.

    I would also like to say that - in order to get some objectivity in these issues - foreign ( as in non-Balkanic) sources must be used. I would suggest an interesting book: T.J. WINNIFRITH "The history of a Balkan People" London , General Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 1995. Here is a link with a short review of the book ( in Romanian) http://www.agero-stuttgart.de/REVISTA-AGER...rinpintescu.htm .



  10. [quote

    Затова вашето правителство трябва да престане да бъде про-руско. Русофилия е много вредена защото румънците могат да се използуват от тях при Европейския Съюз. Прорусизма и антимюсюлманиза са много вредени за България, особено за Южна Добруджа. Бог да ви спасява за съюз между Румъния и Турция.

За нас

"Форум Наука" е онлайн и поддържа научни, исторически и любопитни дискусии с учени, експерти, любители, учители и ученици.

За своята близо двайсет годишна история "Форум Наука" се утвърди като мост между тези, които знаят и тези, които искат да знаят. Всеки ден тук влизат хиляди, които търсят своя отговор.  Форумът е богат да информация и безкрайни дискусии по различни въпроси.

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