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Форум "Наука"


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  1. Thank you very much for the warm welcome! I'm an amateur, hopefully in the positive sense Atticism: even the iota adscripa are there, although they had ceased to be pronounced long ago. By the way: the long string of genitives καὶ Πυθοδω- ρίδος, βασιλέως Ῥοιμη- τάλκου υἱοῦ Κότυος θ- υγατρός, is weird.
  2. Here Γ reprerents not a /g/ but a /ŋ/ sound. Nowadays /ŋ/ is always written as Γ but two thousand years ago, the spelling having not yet been standardized, /ŋ/ was written as Ν as well. Today writing Ν instead of Γ is a quite common mistake, e.g. http://www.tripadvisor.com.gr/Tourism-g3224063-Nea_Ankhialos_Magnesia_Region_Thessaly-Vacations.html When Γ represents /ŋ/, it is transliterated as N, e.g. Anchialos (not *Agchialos). The ancient Greek name of /ŋ/ is ἄγμα. To err is human Δήμητρι τὸν βωμὸν ὑπὲρ τῆς τῶν κυρίων σωτηρίας: βασιλέως Ῥοι- μητάλκου, καὶ Πυθοδω- ρίδος, βασιλέως Ῥοιμη- τάλκου υἱοῦ Κότυος θ- υγατρός, καὶ τῶν τέκνω- ν αὐτῶν, Ἀπολλώνιος Ε(π)- ταικενθου ὁ περὶ Ἀνχί- αλον στρατηγός. Apollonius, (son) of E(p)taikenthos, military governor of Anchialos, (dedicates) this altar to Demeter, for the well-being/salvation of his masters: King Rhoemetalces (II); and (his sister) Pythodoris (II), the daughter of Cotys (III/VIII), the son of King Rhoimetalkes (I); and their children.

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