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Форум "Наука"


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  1. Единствиният начин е да направиме дискусия онлайн! Поемам ангажимент! Моля всички заинтересовани от темата да посочат кой час за начало на дискусията им е най-удобен, за да направиме сечение и определиме взаимноприемливо време - също и кои дни от седмицата предпочитат! Повече няма да мога да пиша тук защото нямам време за съжаление! Хубав ден на всички!
  2. и преди в Бойна слава имаше дървени философи пълни с комплекси, които първо говорят, а после четат - без да мислят Сорри Повече няма да кометнирам малоумия! Нека да организираме онлайн кръгла маса и да РАЗГОВАРЯМЕ Нямам физическо време да пиша ... Хубав ден!
  3. Миналата година ме арестуваха за опит да организирам научна дискусия с тема 6 април 1941 г. и ролята на ген. Щьорнер в превземането на линията Метаксас и сега "трябва да има" наказателно дело срещу мен в Специализираната прокуратура Публично съм обявен за фашист, антисемит, неонацист и пр.... каквото ви хрумне А Вие не ми вярвате защото аз изглеждам анти-хитлерист и лъжа Ха сега де
  4. Не се знае точната бройка на убитите цивилни, защото никой не се е интересувал в момента на разстрела и краткото време след това. Със сигурност в общинския регистър на населението още тогава е било ясно колко и кои са, но по времето на комунистическото робство и там това е било скрито... Според мен броят на жертвите не е важен, защото трябва да разглеждаме казусите принципно! Хората са пожертвани - описвам в доклада си детайлно как и защо! В последствие международният съд в Нюрнберг оправдава разстрелите на цивилно население при такива ситуации и конкретно на територията на Югославия 1941-1944! И днес те са законосъобразни !!! Но за мен са НЕПРИЕМЛИВИ! Болшинството сръбски историци също искат да броят трупове и отрязани глави, защото се чувстват засегнати и уязвени ... темата е МНОГО ИНТЕРЕСНА и дълга, но не може тук да се води! Да направиме една кръгла маса онлайн или елате на 6 април 2021 в Кюстендил - няма да сме много хора, ще има и от сърбия и ще имаме време за работа! С най-добри чувства! Иван Сапунджиев
  5. В това видео като илюстрации има ВСИЧКО! Гледайте го цялото, защото двата доклада и дискусията са едно цяло! Има снимки на двама от участниците от българска и един от сръбска страна. Казал съм ясно и разбираемо всичко! Не виждам какво има да се коментира повече
  6. 1. Доказано е по безспорен научен и практически начин използван в юриспруденцията и криминалистиката! (основно по разкази на ИЗВЪРШИЛИТЕ разстрела и ПРИСЪСТВАЛИТЕ на МЯСТОТО на разстрела на 17 февруари 1942 г.) 2. На ЧАСТ от разстреляните! (една част са погребани от роднините им в семейните гробове в старото гробище) 3. Установено е по начина по който са установени гробовете на майка Ви и баща Ви (или ако те са живи - на дядо Ви и баба Ви)! Чрез заравяне на труповете на умрелите в земята от други (живи) хора (както се прави по света).
  7. По темата за "Топлишките бунтове" от 1917 г. вижте докладите ни с д-р Калин Крумов от проведената в гр. Прокупле 22-26 февруари 2017 г. международна научна конфереция! Докладите са публикувани в Сборник с документи от конференцията - издание на Министерство на културата на Република Сърбия (може да си ги закупите от музея в гр. Прокупле, както и във списание Военноисторически сборник бр.2 от 2017 г. Можете да го прочетете в Националната библиотека "Св.св.Килир и Методий" или да си го поръчате от Военноисторическа библиотека във Военна академия "Георги с. Раковски" - търсете Димитричка Колева! Всичко трябва да се ПОГЛЕДНЕ когато се състави екип от изследователи от всички страни на Балканския полуостров (защото всички мнения и гледни точки са важни), които да работят съвместно (както го правите Вие тук) и да екипът да излезе с ОБЩО НАУЧНО МНЕНИЕ по тези "трудни" теми! Имате уникалния шанс да го осъществите! Ние ще Ви подкрепим!
  8. Здравейте! Добро утро в 5,30 ч! Старческо безсъние Както Ви отговори Борис - заповядайте на конференцията на 6 април 2021 г в гр. Кюстендил и ще получите отговори на всички въпроси, ЧЕ И НА НОВИТЕ, които ще възникнат в дискусията там! Оценявам БЪЗИЦИТЕ, които си провите с dora и останалите в дискусията Истината (според мен) е, че ВСИЧКИ ВИЕ ЗАЕДНО сте отличен анализаторски екип, който успя да открие всички ОСНОВНИ причини довели то тези (и подобни) събития, както и голяма част от специфичните причини, уловени от сензорите на тези от Вас които имат различни СПЕЦИФИЧНИ познания по тясно профилирани теми (международно военно законодателство и практика, политика, стратегия и тактика на военни действия от различни военни части и пр.). Моето мнение е, че Вие всички в тази дискусия ВЗАИМНО се допълвате и в този "брейнсторм" постигнахте отлични резултати! Поздравления за всички! Остава да седнете и ВЕЧЕ В ПРИЯТЕЛСКИ ДУХ да ги обобщите, формулирате и артикулирате ясно! Защо не на 6 април 2021 г.? (манипулирам Ви ) https://www.facebook.com/Конференция-6-април-2021-г-Conference-April-6-2021-101676848452041
  9. Защо веднага ме питате: - "А Вие защо биете негрите в Америка?" Заповядайте на конференция (може и онлайн) и там ще дискутираме! В "главата" на човек, когато срещне "нещо ново" и непознато възникват 5 последователни емоции: 1. отрицание (няма разстреляни в с.Бойник на 17 февруари 1942); 2. гняв (какви са тези сръбски пропаганди от този Борис ... ) ; 3. (сега сте на) ПАЗАРЕНЕ - ама не трябва ли първо Карнеги, па Поази, па 300 000 .... и прочие! ще дойдете и до 4. отчаяние - фактите са си факти ! И ще признаете пред себе си грешките в следствие на емоция и его! Тогава идва полезният ефект от НОВО ОСЪЗНАТО преоценяване на ВСИЧКИ налични факти и взимане на най-верното (според Вас) решение ! Желая здраве! Нищо лично
  10. Някой искаше доклад на английски. Поствам го! При разстрел на голяма група цивилни няма героични постъпки!!! Психиката на човек не е създадена да издържа на такива напрежения и картината е драматична! Всичките ми респонденти плачеха, когато трябваше да си спомнят за случките ... “Sacrificed in the Name of Ideology”- the Events in Boynik Village of 15-17 February 1942 From a Different Point of View Ivan Sapundjiev, Dr. Kalin Kroumov, translation Vanya Petkova (знак на комисията и нато) Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We stand here to implement the principles of freedom and democracy. To implement the principles of humanism. As a citizen of the European Union I am convinced that it is necessary to speak and discuss all the topics of our common history, no matter how challenging and controversial they might be. Our scientific report has the purpose to show the “other point of view” - unknown to many of you. It aims to honour the main participants in this tragedy: Colonel Hristo Stoyanov; Captain Nikola Tsvetanov; Voislav Ristich; Boshko Krastich; the fourteen murdered Bulgarian soldiers and the unknown number of partisans and civilian population of Boynik and surrounding villages. Quite recently my three friends who were the reason for my interest in finding out the truth about the tragedy in the village of Boynik died. They were Boyan Mitov from the First Heavy Machine Gun Company of the 13th Ria Infantry Regiment, Private Stoine Anastasov from the 6th Company of the 13th Ria Infantry Regiment – the last soldier that came out of the school during the attack on 15 February 1942 and Nikola Ilich, the (then) youngest participant in the partisan forces and later on an officer from the State Security Service (UDB) for long years, a teacher, journalist and writer-historian. Please, stand up and let‘s honour the memory of all mentioned civil and military victims with a minute‘s silence! (portraits and photos of monuments and memorial services) Thank you! The events in the village of Boynik of February 1942 are completely unknown in Bulgaria. In the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and now in the Republic of Serbia Boynik started to be mentioned and written about only after the split between Tito and Stalin. The analyses of the events were made on the grounds of dialectic materialism and the ideology of marxism leninism and class struggle, all typical for the historiography of the bolshevik dictatorship. The only accent was placed on keeping the hatred against all that is Bulgarian and for de-humanizing the opponent. Any specialist of pschychological warfare and propanagnda would immediately discover the elements of the „technology of hatred“. The technology of hatred was imposed on the Balkan peoples in the distant 1794 when Katherine the Great defined as strategic goal to gain access to the warm Mediterranean sea - „whenever“ (in the indefinite future). The other Great Powers also used the same technology in pursuit of their interests. The victims became humble and obedient performers of this plan – the peoples of Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Roumania, Tukey, Montenegro. At the conference about the First World War and the Toplica uprising carried out in 2017 here, in the town of Prokuplje, I spoke about the froms of ethnic cleansing in the region of Bulgarian Morava river during the 19th century. On the next day a colleague of ours was asking in Novi Sad TV: „Is this the official standing of Bulgarian historians?“ In the contemporary word an official standing and an every day standing do not exist. Facts are just facts! The knowledge of the history of the Balkan peninsula and the Ottoman Empire provides answers to many questions of our common historic development! Only the one who knows the past can govern the present and control the future! When analyzing the events from the Second World War that happened on the territory along Bulgarian Morava river we can see a complete coincidence with the events that happened during the First World War and the Toplica uprising. Even some of the main participants are the same: Colonel (then First Lieutenant) Hristo Stoyanov, First Lieutenant Konstantin Milovanovich-Pechanski, General Dragoljub-Draja Mihailovich. After the end of the “Great War”, in 1941-1944 a “déjà vu” can be seen again. The military statutes under which psychological operations and riots are conducted have not been changed in their theoretical part during the last 100 years and more. All the elements of such an operation are present in the organization, the conduct and the results of the attack in the village of Boynik. In the first descriptions and researches of the events made by the Serbian historians, Voislav (Voya) Ristich is indicated as the main leader. The profile of Voya Ristich completely corresponds to the instructions for selection of cadres and the execution of such specialized operations - the organization and conduct of riots in a territory taken from the enemy. - he was not a local inhabitant but a newcomer (ethnic Croatian); - he had no relatives and close relations among the local population (did not feel sorrow); - he was sent by a superior organ of the Yugoslav Communist Party in his role and preparation as a combat officer (for the officers the soldiers are basic resource. The statistics shows that the first 15 minutes of active combat actions usually result in 10 % live force loss); - he conducted (according to the instructions) on purpose the military operation in the center of the village with all the subsequent results; - he planned and conducted the attack in the irregular hours (early in the morning when the defending ones were psychologically united expecting day light and external help); - after the break of dawn when the sun shone there was direct visibility at a great perimeter in the field around Boynik. Those noticed to run toward the village of Kosanchich were quickly localized and killed; in this way it became clear that all who participated in the attack did not manage to leave the village and were hiding in the houses among the population! - he forcefully used the whole civil population of Boynik in combat actions against regular military unit and thus doomed the people to death (no matter of the result of the fight as even in case of eventual victory all the population would have to leave the village to save themselves from the inevitable reaction of the enemy; At the same time the conduct of military actions against regular military units by fighters without insignia who were dressed in civil clothes was considered terrorism (then and even nowadays) and is punished with shooting right at the spot without a court ruling and sentence); - the conducted attack was not part of a common military plan. There were no specific actions what should be undertaken in case of battle victory or loss. (obviously the only aim of those who planned the attack and the commanders who executed it was to sacrifice the population and to create a long lasting element of the „technology of hatred“); - the commanders of the assisting band from the village of Tsrukvitsa: Borko Ilich, Naidan Ranchelovich and the population of the village refused to participate in the attack against the Bulgarian soldiers in the village as they realized the danger of revenge and repressions. (Two days later they were killed by order of Voislav Ristich.) Several decades later after the changes in the party policy and the situation in the Yugoslav Communist Party and as indicated by Belgrade, the researchers pointed Boshko Krustich as leader of the events. Voislav Ristich who had Yugoslav military rank as Major General actually proved to be a secret agent of the Soviet Military Intelligence and during the conflicts with the „Cominform people“ escaped from Yugoslavia to the USSR where he remained until the end of his life. His actions completely correspond to the above-mentioned psychological profile! The probability, even of statistical mistake, equals to ZERO! In the years after the war in the first historic researches on the topic the authors indicated that the Bulgarian troops in the village of Boynik were two regiments and the local population had attacked them boldly during the night. When counting the number of the houses in the village and the vicinity and the eventual number of the soldiers in the two infantry regiments (between 7 and 8 000 people) one can understand that this statement is not true and was used only with propaganda purposes by Tito communist governance. The use of 500 or 1000 civilians for attacking 7-8 000 regular soldiers also shows lack of any military logic or life experience. The arguments that the Bulgarian soldies would be asleep in their beds during the night attack are absurd as the element of complete surprise was impossible to be achieved. The troops were stationed in three different places and the unanimous beginning of the attack was impossible. All facts lead to the sad conclusion that the population of the village of Boynik was sacrificed deliberately for different purposes. The actual data for the number of the Bulgarian military unit that spent the night on 15 February 1942 in the village of Boynik are: - it was composed of 250 people with two machine gun sections (4 heavy machine guns in total) placed as follows: one in the mill by the river, one in front of the municipality and two from the two sides of the school building. This positioning allowed them to perform cross fire in all directions to the center of the village and the school building. No one of the attackers could manage to cross the streets and get near the school fence. They fired only from a distance. In the following 15-20 minutes after the attack the Bulgarian patrols continued the chasing of the attackers on the streets of the village, the yards and the houses. The main group of soldiers after leaving the building of the school took positions on the ground in the snow and barely fired a shot because of the lack of any visible enemy. The officers were standing and walked in the school yard and on the streets. Fourteen Bulgarian soldiers were killed or died from their woonds. Two of them were paramedics who were taking out the wounded, two were with ripped bellies and chests and their hearts, lungs and guts were taken out while they were still alive. The picture resembles the actions of 1917. Obviously, the aim was to instigate a desire for cruel deadly revenge in the Bulgarians. All the elements of the puzzle for creating a long lasting hatred are the same! During the shooting there were no captured Bulgarian guns, no captured machine guns or mortars, no captured rifles of the soldiers defending themselves in the school yard. The only captured two rifles were of the horsemen who were in the stables with the horses and were surrounded, captured, slaughtered and gutted. As proof we additionally present photo copies of the original combat log of the same 6th company, a list of the killed and wounded as well as the accounts for the used ammunition and medical supplies. After the fight only 7 medical splins, 22 bandages, 2,5 litres of spiritus and 1 kg cotton were used. Serbian military plan “R-41$ and the doctrine of total partisan strggle practiced in Serbia is well known to the Bulgarian military intelligence from its vast network of collaborators among the civilian population. The Bulgarians were aware that all Serbian men (with no exception) were obliged to be members either of combat groups or of „night“ combat groups consisting of people who were peaceful civil population during the day and during the night participated in combat actions against the enemy. For this reason all men who were absent at night from their home were declared terrorists with the respective punishment for them, their family and property. The Serbian villagers who refused to become part of the partisan struggle faced cruel fate as they would be killed by their compatriots and if they became partisans they certainly would be punished in the same way from governments low forces or german and bulgarian forces! In all situations the population was doomed to extermination! Cruel and sad! As you will see in the combat log of the company the extermintion of the partisans and the civil population was marked only with five words! “The squad commander ordered reprisals!” During execution there was no heroism, and no emotional patriotic scenes that were described by the „researchers and comunist polit-aggitators”! Only horrible dramatic natural human reactions of fear and horror of people who realized that they were all at about to die. Some with their whole family. Unbearable and unforgivable! According to the told stories of some eyewitnesses (from bulgarian side) no one of the Bulgarian soldiers wanted to participate in the executions. Only after a death threat the NCO petty officer from the reserve who was commander of one of the machine gun units fired two cartridge belts in to the huddled people. The eyewitnesses who told me this story were crying even 70 years after the event at the memory of these horrible minutes. Their desire was never to forget this and to use it as a lesson! I don‘t know if their story was true! But it will come out in the open at Judgement day when they will answer for their deeds before God! I write what I have heard and read in the documents. ... At the end I will talk about the demographic changes and the change in the attitude of the population in the village of Boynik after the events. During following months of the war a great number of newcomers settled in the houses and properties of the killed families. The fields and the fertile land around the village of Boynik were always providing living to the population. They included the market and the mills for the whole region. Traditionally, the wealthy families were supporters and were loyal to His Majesty the King and the Dinasty. After the tragedy of February 1942 the newcomers changed the political picture as they were mainly supporters of bolshevism of Soviet type. Boynik became a fortress of communism. One of the secret internal political aims was achieved at the expense of human lives – the village that supported monarchy was turned into a village supporting communism. In conclusion, I would like to state our firm belief: - There are no evil nations! Everything is consequences from historic events. All is a result of the motives and actions of the people from previous generations. Our „heavy metal” friend and historian from the Jewish family Milosh Shlomo Damjanovic from the town of Kosovska Mitrovica was convincing me on the internet that the killing of more than 8 000 Muslims on the bridge of the river in Srebrenica and the rape and killing of women and children in the basements of their houses during the wars in the end of the 90s of the last century was not a form of genocide but an incident that should not be accepted as defining. How the military crime of killing asleep Bulgarian soldiers and subsequently the shooting of the civil population of Boynik village and the surrounding villages is different than the killing of the Muslims half a century later? Is there a schizophrenic attitude toward similar historic events and facts on behalf of contemporary historians? How many of us in our scientific messages of yesterday, today and tomorrow show the “lessons learned from the past” and “lessons learned” from history? How many of us show in our researches useful and winning models for behaviour today and tomorrow? For what reason we should continue to use the “technology of hatred” where there are no winners but only losers? Who needs this? We do not accept and refuse to accept the killing of human beings for whatever criminal, political or ideological reasons! We have to make the right conclusions and learn the respective lessons of this joint tragic life experience so that the cruel death of the killed may start making some sense and to be transformed into a happier life of the future generations who should never repeat shuch mistakes! God forgive them! They shall be remembered forever! I finished my speech. снимка от разговора ми с майор о.з. Никола Илич 2014 г.
  11. Докладите ги има във Военноисторически сборник бр.2 от 2019 г. Можете да си ги поръчате от Военноисторическата библиотека във Военна академия - София. Търсете Дима Колева Военноисторическа библиотека Военна академия „Г.С.Раковски” бул.Евлоги и Христо Георгиеви № 82 София-1504 tel. 02-922-6658 Дано не нарушавам правилата на форума ви, но това са издания на организация в обществена полза с цел подпомагане на запазване спомена за българската войска. Няколко снимки от мястото на разстрела. Никой не е виновен за жертвите от войната! По време на война има само губещи! По много причини! Радвам се, че в дискусията си сте намерили основните причини за случилото се!
  12. Здравейте :-) Моите 2 стотинки по темата на Борис! Има разстреляни почти цялото присъстващо на място население на с. Бойник на 17 февруари 1942 г. Бройката варира от 120 до 560 - според спомените и доктрината на даващия информацията. над 10 години съм работил по темата и вероятно съм единствения който е чул гледните точки на участници от двете страни в боя на 15 февруари 1942 г. сутринта. Всички разговори са записани на диктофон, а голяма част и на видео (докато имаше батерии в камерата - защото разговорите винаги бяха много дълги :-) ). Записвал съм през 6-7 месеца отново разговори (3-4 пъти) с някои от участниците, за да проверя нивото на достоверност на спомените и нивото на "неточности". Разполагам и с личните фотоархиви на всички участници с които съм работил. УНИКАЛНИ ! :-) Разгледайте стените ни на ФБ и ако има въпроси ще отговоря директно! Целта ни от 10 години активна работа е да премахнем част от пораженията на "технологията на омразата" наложена на балканските народи от руските и други тайни служби! https://www.facebook.com/militaryhystorycommission/photos/pcb.3388687854536309/3388687347869693/

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