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Форум "Наука"

Осмият континент

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"Осмият континент" така наричат огромната маса от пластмасови отпадъци, която заема 1.6 милиона квадратни метра в северния Пасифик. Това е и името, което дава на инсталацията, проектирана да почисти тези отпадъци, да ги сортира и рециклира. Страхотна идея и много красив дизайн.



The 8th Continent: Slovak designer wins top prize for ocean station prototype that removes plastic from the sea


A prototype ocean cleaning facility by Slovak designer Lenka Petráková has scooped the highest award in an architectural competition for projects posing creative solutions to environmental challenges.

Called The 8th Continent, the floating station designed to solve one of the world’s most pressing pollution problems: ocean plastic waste. Marine debris currently covers a surface of approximately 1.6 million square metres in the North Pacific — known as the Great Pacific garbage patch — which, as Petráková suggests, could be considered the world’s eighth continent.

The 8th Continent was awarded the 2020 Grand Prix Award for Architecture and Innovation of the Sea from Foundation Jacques Rougerie, a French institute that awards visionary projects that encourage sustainable collaborations between scientists and designers.

Източник: https://www.calvertjournal.com/articles/show/12435/slovak-designer-award-sustainable-ocean-cleaning-plant-plastic-pollution-lenka-petrakova

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