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Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. (October 22, 1900 – October 31, 1949) was United States Secretary of State under Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, serving from 1944 to 1945.

[edit] Sourced

The Department has noted with considerable apprehension increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia emanating from Bulgaria, but also from Yugoslav partisan and other sources with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected State. This Government considers talk of "Macedonian Nation", "Macedonian Fatherland", or "Macedonian National Consciousness" to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic or political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece.

U.S. State Dep. Foreign Relations Vol. VII, Circular Airgram [868.014]


Google translator:

Департаментът отбелязва със значителни опасения увеличаване слухове, пропаганда и полу-официални изявления в полза на една автономна Македония, произтичащи от България, но и от югославските партизански и други източници на заключението, че на гръцка територия ще бъде включено в планираните членка. Това правителство счита, говорят за "македонска нация", "македонски Отечество", или "Македонското национално съзнание", за да бъде неоправдано демагогия, представляващи не по етнически или политическа реалност, и вижда в сегашния си възрожденски евентуално пелерина за агресивни намерения спрямо Гърция.

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Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. (October 22, 1900 – October 31, 1949) was United States Secretary of State under Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, serving from 1944 to 1945.

[edit] Sourced

The Department has noted with considerable apprehension increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia emanating from Bulgaria, but also from Yugoslav partisan and other sources with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected State. This Government considers talk of "Macedonian Nation", "Macedonian Fatherland", or "Macedonian National Consciousness" to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic or political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece.

U.S. State Dep. Foreign Relations Vol. VII, Circular Airgram [868.014]


Destinul Lordului Thomson of Cardington

Martha Bibescu

urmat de Smaranda

de generalul de brigadă lord Thomson of Cardington


După plecarea sa, chestiunea basarabeană a rămas în continuare una dificilă, ajungîndu-se chiar la propunerea unor diplomaţi americani cu privire la un eventual compromis prin cedarea Cadrilaterului Bulgariei, în schimbul recunoaşterii unirii Basarabiei cu România.


"After graduation, Seton-Watson traveled to Berlin University, the Sorbonne and Vienna University, from where he wrote a number of articles on Hungary for The Spectator. His research for these articles took him to Hungary in 1906, and his discoveries there turned his sympathies against Hungary and in favor of then-subject peoples, the Slovaks, Romanians, and "Southern Slavs" (Yugoslavs). He learned Hungarian, Serbo-Croat and Czech, and in 1908 published his first major work, Racial Problems in Hungary."

ion iovcev · Directorul Liceului “Lucian Blaga” de la Tiraspol-Romanianized Bg?


Author: mirkocvetkoviq, 2 May 2010 09:34:08

What to do with these Romanians?

The British and Americans have always regretted supporting Romania at the Peace conference following ww1. For instance the Americans conditioned recognizing the Bessarabia as belonging to Romanian. They asked Ro to return Southern Dobruja to Bulgaria instead.

British elite politicians, even pro-Ro ones like Lord Thomas of Cardington had the same pro-Bg atitude.


Author: mirkocvetkoviq, 2 May 2010 09:43:50

What to do with these Romanians?

As for the anti-Hungarian pro-Ro pro-Serbian pro-Slovak "Scottish" "historian" Hugh Seton-Watson. This guy spent several years in Austria-Hungary and then wrote a "history" book on the Austrian state and Hungarians. Even after living there he still didn't know that Kossuth and Petofi Sandor had different ethnic backgrounds, he claimed both were Hungarianzied Slovaks (or Serbs, I'm not sure) even though one was Serb and the other Slovak


Author: mirkocvetkoviq, 2 May 2010 09:47:27

What to do with these Romanians?

ion iovcev · Directorul Liceului “Lucian Blaga” de la Tiraspol-Romanianized Bg?

Yovchev is a Bg last name, not Russian

This is a Romanianized Moldovan with Bulgarian ethnic background. See what happens in Moldova? Bulgarians get Moldovanized and a few of them even grow ashamed of being Moldovan and Romanianize themselves

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